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Please fill out this form to request more information.

  • This page and the following information chart should strictly be used to obtain relevant information related to Quantason, its technology and products.
  • This page and the following information chart should not be used for any other purpose/s including, but not limited to, solicitation, posting offers and/or advertisement, marketing, research, etc.
Your Information

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Last Updated January 2021

Quantason, LLC (“Quantason” or “Company”) respects your concerns about privacy.

  • Providing personal information such as your first name, last name, title, company, street address, city, state, zip code, country, email and phone number by using this website and its information chart is strictly and unequivocally voluntary on your part.
  • You are not obligated to provide any personal information using this website.
  • Providing personal information using this website is meant strictly for the sole and explicit purpose of you requesting information about Company’s technology and its use in breast care.
  • Quantason does not in any way, shape or form obtain any personal information or any other biographical or demographic or financial information about you from any other source.
  • The Company does not verify the information that you voluntarily provide by using this website and its information chart.
  • Quantason does not sell, distribute, disclose, disseminate or offer your personal information to or share your personal information with any other party or media.
  • The Company does not use your personal information for any purpose whatsoever.
  • Quantason does not retain and/or store your personal information in any active, current or historical database for any purpose whatsoever.
  • Quantason does not use cookies and/or similar technologies (“cookies”) on this website to personalize and enhance your experience with this website.
  • Quantason does not embed in this website content or sharing tools from other third-party sites, such as social networking sites.
  • Quantason does not use this site to promote any sales of any product/s or conduct any research, financial, marketing, business evaluation, demographic or population segmentation analysis.
  • Quantason does not offer opinion, diagnosis an analysis on any subject.
  • Quantason may use discretion to respond to your request for information.
  • This site should not be used for any solicitation, business/sales promotion, offers, marketing, advertisement,research or any other purpose.
  • This Privacy Statement may be updated periodically and without prior notice to reflect changes in the Company’s information/privacy practices. The date indicated at the top of this Privacy Statement reflects on when it was most recently updated.
  • If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Statement, please contact us by email at
Quantason, LLC

13412 Ventura Boulevard, Suite 250
Sherman Oaks, California 91423
